Tuesday, June 30, 2009


My mother asked me if J and I had enough money or if we needed help.

How offensive! Just because J is the sole provider at the moment. We are two grown-up adults who can handle our finances.


Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Most Exhausting Job

Don't remember ever being so tired when I used to go to work.

Monday, June 22, 2009

A fable

Want to read something that moves you? Something that makes you think? Something that stays with you after the last chapter is over?

Read The Boy in Striped Pyjamas.

Man's Best Friend

Watched Marley and Me. It didn't look that interesting but I heard and read many good things about it. I was not disappointed. Although I wish some other guy played Owen Wilson's role as I don't like watching him, the theme of family and the realistic view of hardships couples face really got me into it. My eyes watered at the end.

Thursday, June 18, 2009


What is it with lots of bloggers posting pictures of themselves? And not just "Here I am next to the Eiffel Tower" but "Look at me, don't I look very attractive in this pose?"

I don't understand it but I can say it makes their blogs more interesting. Like watching a reality show of the blogger's life.

A mother's social life

Mothers group is on later today. Can't wait!!!

It's amazing how one small choice can change your life. I remember how unsure I was about going the first time. How glad I am that I made the decision to go. This weekly event is now the highlight of my week.

Visit from a friend

My closest friend, Amy, spent the day with me yesterday. It was so good to have company and not be alone when Sophie was crying. We discussed everything - life, relationships, babies, work, the weather. How I miss having friends to chat with on a daily basis.

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Nice Day

I like Wednesdays. Wednesdays mean that the week is getting to the end part and it's not too far till Thursday (which means the weekend is almost here).

Extra Hour of Sleep for Mummy

Good morning!

We are totally off our usual schedule today. Sophie woke up at 5 and then decided to go back to sleep from 7 to 8. That was fine by me! Maybe she can go to sleep a bit later and wake up at 8 all the time. Now, that would make a huge difference to my energy levels in the morning and throughout the day.

Why am I blogging so much lately? I don't know.

Lonely blog

I want some readers...

Married and interesting?

I was just reading some young unmarried people's blogs and they are so engrossing, so addictive, yet I can't find a single blog of a married person with children to be half as entertaining. Why???

Monday, June 15, 2009

The Good Things About Staying Home With the Baby

Last year, I couldn't wait to go on maternity leave and have a break from the mutiny of work.

A year later, I'm thinking how nice it would be to go to work and do adult stuff. To not have to hear a baby cry every few hours, to not change nappies, not to make baby food, to not come up with ways to entertain the baby.

So today I'm trying to think of the positives. Here they are:

1. Being able to take a nap while the baby is sleeping during the day
2. Be in pyjamas all morning
3. Have breaks to go on the internet or to read or watch TV
4. Do chores like laundry and cleaning during the day and have the weekend free for other stuff
5. Know that your little one's life completely depends on you and nothing will make her happier than being in your arms

Early morning snacking

I can't help myself. Another force is making me visit the kitchen every five minutes to get a chocolate marshmallow biscuit, or a piece of raisin bread or apple cake we got on the weekend.

It didn't help that my Mum told me on the weekend that she's never seen me this skinny. (Not quite true as I was skinnier when I got really sick a few years back.)

Nap time

In the afternoon, I put Sophie for a nap and decided to have one too.

10 minutes later...
Rrring rrring... rrring rrring...

"Hey, I'm taking a break from studying. What are you doing?" - brother

10 minutes after hanging up...
Rrring rrring... rrring rrring...

"Hi Maya! How are you, darling?" - grandma

15 minutes after hanging up
Rrring rrring... rrring rrring...

"Hello, how's everything? How's Sophie?" - mum

20 minutes after hanging up...
Rrring rrring... rrring rrring...

"Hey babe, how are you going? Have you had a nap yet?" - husband

15 minutes after hanging up...

"Ahhhhhhhh!" - Sophie

Friday, June 12, 2009

All cried out

I just let Sophie cry for 15 minutes. I didn't think she'd stop but she did and now she's asleep. I feel like such a horrible mother. Maybe I should've rocked her for those 15 minutes till she could relax enough to fall asleep. I did that last time.

Usually her cry makes me so upset that I just run to her but today I was so tired and annoyed and irritated that I was willing to try the cry-it-out theory. I have to say that I am really amazed that it only lasted 15 minutes. If I didn't look at the clock I thought it was going on for an hour.

The worst thing about letting your baby cry is wondering if she is crying for a reason like she needs something or out of frustration that she's too tired and can't sleep.

I wish I could go for a nap too but her dinner is on the stove so have to wait till that finishes cooking.

Night Wake-ups

Why won't she sleep?! Why????????

Thursday, June 11, 2009

The Good and the Bad

Good girls believe in Heaven, bad girls believe in Hell but smart girls believe in Darwin;

Good girls wait for a prince on a white horse, bad girls wait for a millionaire in a black Mercedes, smart girls think both characters are fictional;

Good girls sleep in pyjamas, bad girls sleep naked, smart girls - depending on the situation;

Good girls look for their erogenous zones, bad girls know them, smart girls believe there are no non-erogenous zones;

Good girls are loyal to their husband, bad girls to their lover, smart girls to both;

Good girls love all children, bad girls only those who've come of age, smart ones their own;

Good girls don't wear mini-skirts, bad girls wear them but without underwear, smart girls don't wear them to work;

Good girls sunbake in swimming suits, bad girls topless, smart girls in the shade.

Can't stop

I am really starting to spam by blog. Don't know what's gotten into me.

My Happy Place

Snuggled with J on the couch watching The Mentalist.

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

To Blog or Not To Blog?

That is the question.

I had a blog. It even managed to accumulate a group of readers. The more readers I got, the more paranoid I became about my blog's anonymity. The less I wrote.

After doing it for 3 years I was a bit over it.

Then having had a bit of a break from it, I missed being able to send out random (and not so random) thoughts into the vast unknown virtuality. So here I am back again.

So tired

Every morning when I hear Sophie calling for me, I promise myself that I will have a nap when she does. When the time comes for her nap, what do I do but go on the computer. That doesn't feel as much of a waste of time as sleeping.

Evolution of male sexuality from 10 to 80

10. Want something but don't know what
12. Want to do it
14. Want any girl
16. Want just that specific friend because she gives it to everyone
18. Want everyone! ...to try once!
20. Want just that specific girl because she doesn't give it to anyone
25. Want only that specific woman because she's the best
30. Want that woman because she's someone else's wife
35. Want everyone except my wife
40. Want that silly 16 year old
45. Want the lonely neighbour, she's unlikely to refuse
50. Don't want anyone, sick of everyone... but I must!
55. Want... to do it?
60. Want any woman but can't... very well
65. Have to pretend that I still want it
70. Thank God don't have to pretend anymore
75. I remember how I wanted that woman!
80. I remember that I wanted something, but don't remember what...

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

After the first 6 months

When will the night waking end???