Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Little Treasure

A baby is an absolute miracle.

To hold a happy baby can make you forget all your problems and dissolve all stress.

Thursday, February 12, 2009


After agonising about it for so long, I have decided to wean Sophie. I have tried putting her on and after a few seconds she starts crying. I'm sure my milk is drying up anyway cos when I expressed, I only got 5-10mL from both breasts. It's just ridiculous.

I have tried to wean a few times before but always kept changing my mind because of strong guilt. Now I feel fine with my decision because for the first time I really feel like I've done everything that I possibly could (while still keeping sane).

Wednesday, February 11, 2009


Never work with family or friends.

Learn how to say no.

A mother's decision

Sophie refused the breast. She kept screaming every time I put her on. I did some research on the internet and tried a few very complicated methods which worked and now she's back on. The only problem is that she's really fussy and is hurting me again.

I'm at a loss what to do. On one hand I've had enough with breastfeeding and just want to quit the whole thing, but on the other I have enormous guilt at feeding her artificial food.

Please let there be a ray of wisdom to help me make the right decision.

Sunday, February 8, 2009

Sleep baby, sleep

Sophie slept from 10pm last night to 7:30am this morning. Please let it be a sign of things to come.

Yummy Mummy

Met up with a couple of mothers from the mothers' group. All they talked about was breastfeeding, babies and husbands. One said, "I told my doctor that the last thing I wanted to do was have sex with my husband. I feel like a feeding machine, not a sexual being." The others nodded in agreement. I just smiled because J always makes me feel like the sexiest woman on Earth, even when I'm breastfeeding.

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Mothers' Circle

Went to a mothers' group. I'm sure everyone was at least 30. Looks like having a baby is the only thing I have in common with them. I should try to make an effort.

Sophie loved watching the other babies and mothers. She's one curious girl. Didn't cry once. Got a few comments what a good baby she was. I hope I don't get jinxed.

I love my baby girl.