Monday, August 3, 2009

The Bachelor Party Effect

Who would've thought that bachelor parties would make a guy more caring to his wife?

I was shocked when the day after J attended one such party, he said to me, "Maya, talking to some of the guys made me realise how I don't do enough for you". Imagine my jaw dropping and everything stopping for a moment. Did I hear him correctly?

"One guy had a game planned but he remembered that he promised his wife he would go shopping with her so he canceled." Oh my god!

"I wouldn't expect you to cancel something like that just to go shopping with me," I said honestly.

"I know but is there anything I can do for you?"

After I asked him several times if he was serious and whether he meant what he was saying, I let him know that it would be nice if he didn't get annoyed at me when I got headaches (which has been happening every weekend) because it's not something I could control.

"I'm sorry. I was wrong. I know it's not your fault. I'll be more caring."

It's not often I get to hear that. How I bathed in the sunshine of those words.

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