Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Not so fat

Are you feeling fat?

That's what I've been greeted with this morning by a young woman handing out flyers to selected passer-byes.

As a matter of fact I was feeling fat, even though I knew I was in a perfectly healthy weight range. I was angry at this woman for assuming that someone of size 10 needed to lose weight.

Preying on women's insecurites is nothing new but never having been on the receiving end of it, I felt quite inadequate and couldn't stop thinking about it the whole day.

Of course inside I knew that I shouldn't have taken it personally. She might've been just desperate to hand out her advertisement for a new miracle technology that can melt weight in all the stubborn places.

Still, I couldn't help but get annoyed at how instead of promoting a healthy lifestyle, there were still companies trying to exploit women's low self-image.

I know I would've much preferred to be given an ad for a dance class than fat-sucking machine.

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