Wednesday, July 15, 2009

All in its place

When J and I got married and moved into our first home, I decided that I wasn't going to be one of those wives who sorted her husband's clothes. We divided our wardrobe in half and I didn't care what he did with his section. (I was worried that if I started to organise his stuff, I'd always end up doing things for him and I had enough chores as it was.)

Almost two years later, something came over me and I got this immense drive to sort his clothes. This is amazing in itself as I never even have the drive to sort out my own clothes. During Sophie's morning nap, it took 20 minutes to organise all his things - all the T-shirts by colour, all shorts in one place, all jumpers neatly folded together.

I feel quite good now! I don't know what it is about a neat home that make me feel so light. It's like I organised my brain, rather than the things around me. And I didn't do it for him, I did it for myself.

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